Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Project HIVE (5/22/2012)

D&C 88:119 "Organize Yourselves..."

A 3 part workshop on the basics of Interior Design, DIY and Space Organization.  Beehives getting ready to design their very own space "The Hive" with help from Melissa Holmes, Sandra Hawker and Andrea Lomu.  Our girls were able to learn about "Less is Better", how to take something old and make it look new or trendy and beginner steps to organizing a home.

The Hive Design Team!  

The girls plan out their HIVE with Melissa Holmes! Class discussion included wall space, furniture, lighting and soft goods.  Melissa teaches the girls about a monochromatic color theme for the Hive using various shades of 1 color to design a room.

Sandra Hawker taught the girls about "DIY" and showed a slide show of several things she took from old to "Trendy" with spray paint. Here is a mirror she did for her daughter's room that began white then she re-painted it plum! 

Sandra also bought this lamp that started with amber  colored glass and a wooden rod to hold the light bulb...

Here is what we saw, a beautiful finished white spray painted lamp...WOW!

Here is a finished coffee table that Sandra did for our Hive!  It was a dull and outdated wood top with dark green legs, then Sandra did her "DIY" magic and now its perfect for the Hive...we love love love it!

Andrea Lomu taught us the beginning steps to organizing the home.  She showed various containers to store things in and even recycled containers like a baby wipe holder that can be useful in storing small items away! Thanks for helping us get motivated to start organizing the Hive!

Here's just a peek of the "Hive"...more to come...:)

Saving the best for last our treat for the evening,Gen does it again...a Chocolate Beehive Cake with vanilla pudding filled layers!  The girls sang Happy Birthday to our Newest Beehive, Sage Gentry:)

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